Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need a reservation?

Yes, our sauna is private and is fully booked for those person, who makes a reservation at given time. You can book our sauna online in section “Booking.”

What are the payment possibilities?
So far we accept only cash in CZK. You cannot pay with a credit card.
I don't feel good at high temperature in sauna. Is it possible to warm sauna to lower temperatures?
Yes, given the fact that our sauna is private, we can adapt temperature according to your wish. In addition to that – our sauna has a heater with evaporator, so we can warm sauna to lower temperature in combination with higher humidity. Just type requested temperature and humidity into reservation form.
I have health problems (cardiac, high blood pressure, etc.) but nevertheless, i would like to visit your sauna. what are my options?

We can warm up our sauna to lower temperatures and thanks to evaporator increase the humidity, which is great option for those, who don´t like high temperatures. In any case, consult visiting sauna in advance with your doctor.

Shall i bring my own towel or bed sheet?

You may bring your own, but it is not necessary. We lend for free to every visitor a towel as well as bed sheet.

Shall i bring my own hygiene products?

In showers there is a soap and in rest area there is make up remover and hairdryer.

Do you offer any beverages and refreshment?
Každý zákazník si u nás může zdarma dát vodu s ovocem/bylinkami. Dále nabízíme také další sortiment nápojů (čaj, káva, šampaňské) i drobných pochutin (oříšky, ovoce). Rádi vás na místě informujeme o naší aktuální nabídce.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.